Famille Perrin Ventoux 2019
As Lego Marchbanks straddles the border between Scotland and England, I’m up at 4.30am tomorrow to cross from England into France. He’s had enough mugshots lately so I thought it was time for one of my own. Here I am in my hotel room after a laborious drive down to Folkestone. Although I’m a certified Old Person I still have my own teeth, and can use them to remove a cork that was rammed back into a bottle yesterday after half the contents had been drunk.
The Famille Perrin Ventoux is roughly their equivalent of the Bruniers’ Pigeoulet – unpretentious and good value. Absurdly good in this case – under 5€ a bottle delivered to a French address as a special offer by a Parisian merchant. It has elements of Carignan, Cinsault and Syrah to go with the obvious Grenache, is light and fresh and a perfect accompaniment to a quick slice of quiche before an early night. It even tastes good from a bathroom glass. And oops – I obviously stuffed the wrong cork in last night!

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